Happy Halloween!

Filed under: Crochet — Alicia @ October 31, 2008

The kids have come and gone, and as usual, we have tons of candy left… I promise I’ll take it to work on Monday and give it to my students or leave it in the reception area. I already have a tommy-ache from eating candy all night. I really just don’t learn…

I know this post doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, but it is. I wanted to share some pictures of my pumpkin (I didn’t want to spend too much time carving it this year):

My pumpkin on the porch

My pumpkin on the porch

My pumpkin lit

My pumpkin lit

And some pictures of Raffi wearing his brain slug. I had the intention of training him to wear it, but I didn’t… Taking the pictures before him taking the slug off was a battle (lasting 20 minutes), but I’m way more stubborn than Raffi when it comes to taking pictures:

We tried holding him for the pictures

We tried holding him for the pictures

Here he thinks he is getting a cookie

Here he thinks he is getting a cookie

Here he is tired and trying to hide under the kitchen table

Here he is tired and trying to hide under the kitchen table

Is this doggy abuse? Probably… But it’s his fault for being too darn cute!

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